Using a PC, tablet or similar device, owners will be able to control all lanes from a central screen.
Hyper-Axe keeps track of time remaining, the players progress in their current game, and even lets you know their current end time in the top right corner.

You can adjust the time remaining, players and more from the Lane dialog:

You can also customize the following on each Lane:
- Name: Brand each of your lanes with it's own name!
- Color: Group your lanes by location or type.
- Max Players: Prevents you from scheduling too many players on a single lane.
- Interactive: A lane featuring a projection screen that controls the target areas to provide a wide-range of games and formats.
- Non-Interactive: A traditional lane with wood targets and no projection system. Players can still score their games using the Hyper-Axe Kiosk, also allowing the Venue to keep track of player progress.
Hyper-Axe also supports the following Target arrangements:
- Single: A lane feature a single standard sized-target area for players to throw at.
- Double: A lane featuring two standard sized-targets for players to throw at.
- Twin: Two separate lanes using a single projector, with standard sized-targets for players to throw at.
- Wide: A single large target area that is equal to an 80' TV. Allowing for much larger targets and interactive content.